Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Nursing Ethics Essay Example for Free

Nursing Ethics Essay What is personal ethics? Many people have their own perceptions and definition of what personal ethics are. When speaking about personal ethics this topic deals with what an individual believes to be morally right or wrong. Personal ethics comes from what one was taught by child by their caregiver whether it was mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, or uncle. Since these ethics were instilled in us as children by our caregivers we carried these ethics into our daily lives and the decisions that we made. As a child my mother main focus was to make sure I knew right from wrong. As a parent she just didn’t say that something was wrong, but she told me why it was wrong. I think this is the most important aspect when understanding ethics and why people make the decisions they make. I think it is important to hold personal ethical views so when one is being faced with a challenging moral issue they will be able to efficiently handle the situation. My mother and grandmother based their ethical views according to their religious background. Both my mother and grandmother are Christian ministers and their views were guided from the Bible. As a nurse I make ethical decisions every day. Some of these ethical decisions are easy and some not quite so easy; however, my decision is based upon how I was taught and my personal beliefs and what is the best outcome for the patient. I think as a nurse I am still learning and can always make room for improvement. My personal ethics are constantly being tested as a nurse and the decision I make not only influences patients but also my peers. As a nursing manager in my facility it is my job that I make good ethical decisions because I have other nurses looking at me to make concrete decisions in some cases. Values are a person’s principles or standards of behaviors. My value is what I consider to be important in life. What is important to me may not be important to someone else. This is what I had to consider in the world of nursing. I  would come to accept that everyone is different and though they are different and values are different we both should be able to respect one’s views and decisions. This is important so that we may achieve our primary goal of purpose which is to care for the patient. My values and beliefs are rooted and grounded in my Christian background. Values that I was taught as a child was â€Å"do unto other as you would have them do unto you†. Simply put to treat people how you want to be treated. This causes a sort of immediate feedback for creating our moral standards and making ethical decisions (Scivicque, 2007). As a manager, I have learned how to be humble, and listening and learning from others. Another important value that was instilled in me as a child was to share and to be grateful for what you have. This I come to realize that I being a young woman most women my age have not accomplished the things that I have. By knowing this I do not take my career for granted. I enjoy my co-workers and patients that I work with. I enjoy overall caring for people and watching them thrive towards their highest potential. An example of an ethical dilemma I might encounter in the nursing field is the giving of blood to a Jehovah Witness. According to a Jehovah Witness’ beliefs they do not believe in administering blood or blood products for life-saving measures. The ethical dilemma is what do you do in an emergency situation? What if their beliefs go against everything you stand for? M best response in this situation is to focus on the patient as a whole. As a nurse we have to care for the patient physically, spiritually, mentally, and socially. Physically the patient would need a blood transfusion, but spiritually the patient will decline due to beliefs. I think this is the perfect opportunity to educate the patient of the risk and benefits of receiving the blood transfusion. As a nurse I take my job very seriously. While I’m working I ask myself what if these patients were my family members. How can I be present with the patient and listen to their concerns without judging them as a person? These are all questions I have to ask myself when providing care to my patients. I am not a perfect nurse by far but I am striving to be the best versatile nurse I can be to ensure that my patients reach their optimal level of wellness. References Scivicque, C. (2007). Developing Personal Ethics. Retrieved from http://suite101.com/article/developing-personal-ethics-a34018

Monday, January 20, 2020

American Pastoral :: essays research papers

The Failure to Develop   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people stutter; however people usually outgrow stuttering. But it is not something that people just do for a short while to attract attention. People who do stutter are actually really embarrassed by it and the attention they receive from stuttering and fear the next time that it will happen. They will often avoid situations in which stuttering will be a problem. Stutterers have no control over when they stutter or don’t. Contrary to the therapist in the novel American Pastoral, stuttering is not an idea conjured up in ones head to gain attention. It is not a psychological problem that comes and goes as one needs it, or when it would be beneficial to a person. Because the truth is, a stutterer never finds it beneficial to have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Research has shown that stuttering is one hundred percent physiological, and not at all psychological. The psychiatrist â€Å"got Merry thinking that the stutter was a choice she made, a way of being special that she had chosen and then locked into when she had realized how well it worked†(95). The belief that you will not stutter has no effect on your speech. The anticipation of stuttering does not cause stuttering (5). Stuttering is a developmental disorder that starts in the early childhood and nothing Merry did could change that. It develops at the same time as children learn â€Å"grammar, accents, and other fundamentals of speech and language†(1). When children fail to learn â€Å"speech breathing, vocal fold control, and how to articulate sounds†(1) that is when they develop disfluencies, which can turn into stuttering or stammering. If children do not learn these fundamentals at the right critical time, it is difficult or impossible to learn later. Children will develop these problems between the ages of two and six, when development is most crucial. Which is around the age that Merry developed the stutter in the novel. Usually people will not develop speech problems past the age of eleven. More boys than girls develop speech disorders. Which is why it was even more rare for Merry to have the stutter because it’s not as common in girls. Even then, the girls tend to outgrow their problems, up until their forties. . It is difficult to determine who will outgrow and who will not (4). Merry did eventually outgrow her stutter though. The first time her dad saw her again after the long absence, he couldn’t believe â€Å"she had attained control, mental and physical, over every sound she uttered†(246).

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Effective Literary Form of Foreshadowing

O’Connor effectively uses the literary device of foreshadowing to create an atmosphere of suspense for a family that is doomed. There are several hints that point to the fate of the family in both the overall theme of a world of change and chaos and in specific lines from the text. Death and doom are frequently discussed and certain descriptive phrases, as early as the first sentence lead a reader to believe that doom is impending. Specifically the grandmother and her choices and her description of choices all contribute to the foreshadowing.Her choice of dress and her reasons given for that is one example, as is the cat she chooses to bring and the animal’s role in the final event that leads to the death of the family. The Grandmother’s choice to take the dirt road and her mistake of direction is the final example of the foreshadowing that can be contributed to the reader’s sense of an almost inevitable and negative end. Firstly, the Grandmother does not wish to go on the trip, but agrees to go with certain pretenses. She refuses to leave her beloved cat at home while the family goes on their trip.The cat, â€Å"Pitty Sing†, is hidden in a basket as the Grandmother fears that the cat may die. O’Connor writes, â€Å"she was afraid he might brush against one of the gas burners and accidentally asphyxiate himself. Her son, Bailey didn’t like to arrive at a motel with a cat† (1135-1136). Her mention of both death and the inconvenience that bringing the cat would impose on the family shows both foreshadowing and irony, as the cat does cause an accident and inconveniences the family in the worst way.Both the concealed cat displayed by O’Connor as the Grandmother’s disregard for her family’s wishes and her lost sense of direction, as well contribute to the danger that the family is placed in. The dirt road that the Grandmother advises the family to go down is explained in detail in an ominou s manner and the plot turns even more ominous as she realizes that she has the wrong road. O’Connor writes regarding the character that a horrible thought came to her†¦her eyes dilated and her feet jumped up†¦ the instant the valise moved, the newspaper top she had over the basket rose with a snarl and Pitty Sing, the cat, sprang onto Bailey’s shoulder (1140). This incident does lead to a car accident on this abandoned, old road. Therefore, both the choice to bring the fateful animal and the choice to take the family in a wrong direction, sends a message of a foreshadowed and foreshortened future for the family.Finally, at the beginning of the story, when the cat is introduced into the plot, the Grandmother’s deception and dress are detailed. The foreshadowing of her outfit and accessories point to the fact that she has designed herself for death, in case that it comes. Her collars and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once she was a lady (1136).It should be noted that the idea or phrase of the word accident or accidental is used frequently in the story to show foreshadowing. In the citation with the cat and the uproar, there follows an automobile accident, where after the children scream several times both on pages 1140 and 1141, â€Å"We’ve had an ACCIDENT! †. The foreshadowing of the usage of accident is only paralleled by the actions leading to the family’s doom.In conclusion, O’Connor effectively uses examples of foreshadowing in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†. Three of these examples illustrate this in the previous paragraphs and all tie in together to help the reader and literary critic understand that the story has deeper meaning and context than one may originally think. The frequent reference to accident or fear that something may happen accidentally all contribute to the undertones and overtones of death, deception, and doom in a world of change and chaos.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Quines son indocumentados y cules son sus derechos

La definicià ³n de los indocumentados en Estados Unidos es clara. Son los extranjeros que no tienen estatus migratorio legal y su presencia en los Estados Unidos es objeto de gran debate polà ­tico. En este artà ­culo se explica quià ©nes son indocumentados, cuà ¡les son sus nà ºmeros y procedencia, quà © sucede si son arrestados, por quà © no regularizan su situacià ³n y, finalmente, cuà ¡les son sus derechos. Quià ©nes son los indocumentados en Estados Unidos Son las personas de otros paà ­ses que se encuentran en Estados Unidos y  carecen de estatus legal desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias. En general, hay 3  formas en las que un extranjero se convierte en indocumentado: En primer lugar, por cruzar la frontera sin ser examinado por un oficial de inmigracià ³n que autoriza la entrada como admitido o parole. El caso tà ­pico es el de cruzar la frontera entre Mà ©xico y Estados Unidos, principalmente por el desierto. Esta es una actividad cada vez mà ¡s difà ­cil, por el incremento de seguridad en la frontera. Y tambià ©n muy peligrosa, por el tipo de personas inescrupulosas que controlan el cruce ilegal de la frontera y tambià ©n porque cada vez se realiza mà ¡s por rutas que cruzan el desierto durante varios dà ­as, lo cual hace que decenas de personas fallezcan cada aà ±o por deshidratacià ³n. Cruzar ilegalmente la frontera se considera como la forma mà ¡s frecuente de convertirse en indocumentado. Por la propia naturaleza de que este cruce no està ¡ registrado es difà ­cil realizar un cà ¡lculo exacto. Pero se considera que aproximadamente por cada migrante arrestado cuando intentaba ingresar ilegalmente, 2 migrantes lo han conseguido.   En segundo lugar, entrar con una visa o legalmente como la tarjeta de Cruce o una ESTA por ser de un paà ­s en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados y quedarse mà ¡s allà ¡ del tiempo autorizado. En el aà ±o fiscal 2015 un total de 525,127 migrantes lo hicieron. Esto es lo que tambià ©n se conoce como overstay de la visa y tiene serias consecuencias. Y, en tercer lugar, cometer una  violacià ³n migratoria.  Un caso tà ­pico, es trabajar sin autorizacià ³n. Nà ºmero de indocumentados en EE.UU. y origen Se estima que aproximadamente en la actualidad hay unos 11.3 millones  de indocumentados, este nà ºmero es menor al mà ¡ximo histà ³rico del aà ±o 2000. El 52 por ciento del total de indocumentados ha nacido en Mà ©xico. Es decir, aproximadamente 6.5 millones de personas. El segundo paà ­s con mà ¡s indocumentados es El Salvador, con mà ¡s de medio millà ³n, seguido de Guatemala y Honduras. Muchos indocumentados forman parte de los que se conoce como familias mixtas, es decir, uno o varios de sus miembros carecen de estatus legal y otros son residentes permanentes o, incluso, ciudadanos americanos. Se estima que en la actualidad aproximadamente 4 millones de nià ±os estadounidenses tienen al menos un progenitor que es indocumentado. Pero estos infantes nada pueden hacer por sus padres, desde el punto de vista migratorio, hasta cumplir los 21 aà ±os. E incluso entonces no siempre es posible solucionar el problema. Indocumentado e ilegal Sà ­, desde el punto de vista migratorio es lo mismo un indocumentado que un ilegal. Sin embargo, se considera polà ­ticamente incorrecto dentro de la comunidad latina llamar ilegal a una persona sin estatus migratorio en regla. De hecho, existe una fuerte campaà ±a medià ¡tica para conseguir que los medios de comunicacià ³n eviten el uso de esa palabra, que se considera despectiva y que se use exclusivamente la de indocumentado. Quà © les puede suceder a los indocumentados si son detenidos por la migra Los indocumentados pueden ser enviados a prisià ³n mientras se tramita su caso. De hecho, como media cada dà ­a hay mà ¡s de 31 mil migrantes detenidos. Ademà ¡s, pueden ser deportados, expulsados inmediatamente, liberados o pueden incluso en casos muy particulares ajustar su estatus y obtener asà ­ la green card. Cabe destacar que algunos migrantes aunque teà ³ricamente son indocumentados està ¡n protegidos frente a la deportacià ³n, como por ejemplo los muchachos que en su dà ­a aplicaron por DACA y està ¡n renovando el programa. En la actualidad, estas son las  categorà ­as de prioridades de deportacià ³n  establecidas por orden ejecutiva de Donald Trump. Cà ³mo un indocumentado puede regularizar su situacià ³n No es imposible pero es difà ­cil. Y es que a diferencia de lo que ocurre en otros paà ­ses en Estados Unidos no existe la posibilidad de regularizar la situacià ³n por radicar en el paà ­s por un nà ºmero de aà ±os. (No es verdad que si se viven 10 aà ±os se obtiene la green card. Eso es un malentendido de una medida de alivio que existe en algunos casos de procedimientos de deportacià ³n ante un juez migratorio). Estas son 15 posibilidades de legalizacià ³n de indocumentados. En ocasiones es necesario pedir un perdà ³n y obtener su aprobacià ³n. Estas son las opciones para solicitar un perdà ³n migratorio, tambià ©n conocido como waiver. Son situaciones muy particulares y delicadas por lo que es aconsejable hablar con un abogado especialista en esos temas, si es posible y si no al menos ponerse en contacto con una organizacià ³n reputada de ayuda legal a migrantes o con clà ­nicas legales de universidades. Derechos de los indocumentados Uno de los conocimientos mà ¡s importantes para los migrantes indocumentados es  saber cà ³mo hacer para saber si un indocumentado està ¡ detenido por la migra. Tambià ©n es importante saber que se tienen derechos, como a recibir el salario mà ­nimo por el trabajo realizado, a no ser abusado en el trabajo, a recibir ciertas prestaciones sociales, como asistencia mà ©dica de urgencia o alimentos por el programa WIC para lactantes y embarazadas.   Ademà ¡s, algunos estados algunas categorà ­as de  inmigrantes indocumentados son considerados como PRUCOL. En estos casos podrà ­an tener acceso a beneficios sociales de los que con carà ¡cter general està ¡n excluidos los migrantes sin papeles. Asimismo, no olvidar que todos los nià ±os tienen derecho a la educacià ³n obligatoria, sean ellos indocumentados o sà ³lo sus papà ¡s. Estos son los puntos bà ¡sicos que se recomienda conocer sobre el sistema educativo en Estados Unidos.  Todos los nià ±os tienen derecho a la mejor educacià ³n disponible. Es de Justicia y se juegan, en muchos casos, su futuro. Por à ºltimo no olvidar que Estados Unidos es un paà ­s muy grande y que los estados tienen distintas posiciones respecto a los indocumentados. Mientras que algunos permiten derechos como la licencia de manejar otros han aprobado leyes que hacen muy difà ­cil vivir el dà ­a a dà ­a. Es por eso que conviene pensar bien dà ³nde vivir, si es que hay esa opcià ³n. Tambià ©n recordar que algunas ciudades mantienen polà ­ticas pro-inmigrantes. Por ejemplo, convirtià ©ndose en ciudades-santuario que no comparten informacià ³n con Inmigracià ³n o emitiendo I.D. para poder abrir cuentas de banco, canjear cheques, etc. Ademà ¡s, los consulados de varios paà ­ses emiten matrà ­culas consulares que pueden utilizarse como I.D. para gestiones como probar identidad para solicitar permiso de manejar en los estados que lo permiten, etc. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.